Events 2013
2013 was the year that Amy launched her debut novel, Jasmine Somers Makes Amends. It was the that year ConFab Cabaret was created with ConFab co-conspirator Catherine Crosswell. It was the year that Catherine and Amy were given the beautiful gift of Malvern Poetry Slam. It was the year that was a little bit tiring.
Here are some things that Amy did.
Mouth and Music
Tuesday February 12th, 7.30pm, Boar’s Head Gallery, Kidderminster
A rare romantic evening out for Amy Rainbow and Gary Longden, perfectly partnered as The Imperfect Pair. There will also be verse and music from others less bitter than Amy and less verbally cruel than Gary. Counselling will be available for those scarred by any poetic hostilities.
Poets In The Bookshop
Friday March 1st, 7.30pm, Malvern Book Co-operative
Amy Rainbow, Catherine Crosswell, Jenny Hope and Ali Oxtoby bring you a night of varied poetry in a cosy atmosphere that smells of lovely books…
ConFab Cabaret I
Tuesday March 19th, 8-11pm,Re-con, 4 Church Street, Malvern, WR14 2AY
The first of Amy Rainbow and Catherine Crosswell’s fabulous new cabaret nights in the heart of Malvern, with poetry, music and lashings of spoken word. The night will feature former Birmingham Poet Laureate Spoz, Four Tart Harmony, Salma the bellydancer, Tim Cranmore and his carrot, The Very Grimm Brothers and Dolly Grip. Extra excitement will be brought to you by The Silliest Raffle, Prepare To Share and Myfanwy’s Fox Pops. The evening will be loosely held together by Amy Rainbow.
Solihull Poetry Slam
Friday April 12th, 7.45pm, Solihull Arts Complex
A super Spiel production brought to you as part of the Solihull Comedy Festival. Slam poetry that is funny. Come and laugh.
ConFab Cabaret II
Tuesday May 21st, 8-11pm,Re-con, 4 Church Street, Malvern, WR14 2AY
An evening of wonder, compered by Amy Rainbow in a princess dress. With Gloucestershire Poet Laureate Brenda Read-Brown, the magnificently musical Al Barz, ranting Rapunzel Wizard, sizzling Scarlett O’Sparkle, the frankly just bizarre Johnny Gash and The Bleeding Catfaces and absolutely surprise guest Dreadlockalien. Plus Prepare to Share, The Silliest Raffle and Myfanwy’s Fox Pops.
ConFab Cabaret III – The Fluffy One
Tuesday July 16th, 8-11pm,Re-con, 4 Church Street, Malvern, WR14 2AY
More ConFab loveliness with anarcho-softy Jonny Fluffypunk, clasically trained musician Will Coleman, our very own Catherine Crosswell, juggling gent Steve Kaos and smiley storyteller Kate Walton. The usual extras from The Silliest Raffle, Prepare to Share and Myfanwy’s Fox Pops. All served to you on a silver platter by poetic hostess Amy Rainbow.
A Bard For Worcestershire – County Poet Laureate Finals
Friday June 14th, 7pm, Worcester Guildhall
The county’s top poets perform in the splendour they deserve in a bid to become the new Worcestershire Laureate.
Worcestershire Literary Festival Flash Fiction Finals
Saturday June 15th, Worcester Arts Workshop, 4pm
Long-listed and short-listed writers read out their pieces in the second of Worcestershire Literary Festival’s flash fiction competitions. Amy’s 100 word flash Karma Queen made it into the final ten and will be published in the Lit Fest Flash Anthology in January 2014.
Green Gathering, Monmouth
Thursday August 1st – Monday August 5th
More random ramblings and perfectly planned performances over this long festival weekend. Expect another mighty battle on the Floating Lotus stage in this year’s Green Gathering poetry slam where Amy is set to defend her Green Gathering Slam Champ title!
ConFab Cabaret IV – The Hairy One
Tuesday September 24th, 8-11pm, Re-con, 4 Church Street, Malvern, WR14 2AY
More ConFabulous frollicks with poet Ash Dickinson, Fanny Libido, the luxuriantly haired Loungetoad, local poetic gent Adrian Mealing plus at least half of Shambollix. Our Silliest Raffle, Myfanwy’s Fox Pops and the Prepare To Share open mic slots add much to the joy. Incomparably compered by Amy Rainbow.
UK All Stars Slam Qualifier
Saturday October 12th, 4pm, The Salon, Montpellier Gardens, Cheltenham
Once again it’s that slam qualifier of all slam qualifiers! Top scoring poets go through to the Grand Final held at 8.30 the very same evening.
UK All Stars Grand Final!
Saturday October 12th, 8.15pm, The Salon, Montpellier Gardens, Cheltenham
More slammy stuff from poets of every ilk from around the UK and beyond! Brought to you by Marcus Moore and Sara-Jane Arbury.
Book Launch – Lindsay Stanberry-Flynn, The Piano Player’s Son
Friday October 25th, 6.30-8pm, St. Swithun’s Institute, Worcester, WR1 2PN
A long overdue outing for The Imperfect Pair. Amy has nobly agreed to share the stage with poetic partner Gary Longden in an attempt to thrash out their seemingly irreconcilable differences. There will also be a novel launched and some other performers although obviously most people will be there to see Amy’s dress.
Malvern’s 5th Poetry Slam and Attila the Stockbroker
Friday November 1st, Malvern Cube, Albert Road North, Malvern, WR14 2YH
Dee and Caitlin’s marvellous Malvern Slam will see a host of local and not so local poets battle it out for the title of Malvern Slam Champion 2013. Attila the Stockbroker will provide radical musical and poetic entertainment after a beery interval.
**First place to the splendid Catherine Crosswell, second place to Amy Rainbow. Their prize? Wine and applause and the very future of The Malvern Slam!**
ConFab Cabaret V
Tuesday November 19th, 8-11pm, Re-con, 4 Church Street, Malvern, WR14 2AY
A fifth helping of variety and happiness with lashings of spoken word. Boxing poet Matt Windle, international operatic superstar Montserrat Carbonara and ranting slam star Dan Duke will be filling in the spaces between The Silliest Raffle, your delightful selves in the Prepare To Share slots plus of course, Myfanwy’s Fox Pops. Amy Rainbow will be your happy hostess for the evening.
Book Launch! Jasmine Somers Makes Amends by Amy Rainbow
Monday December 16th, 8-11pm,
Re-con, 4 Church Street, Malvern, WR14 2AY
At last! The moment the literary world has been waiting for! All are welcome to the launch of Amy Rainbow’s debut novel, Jasmine Somers Makes Amends, published by Purple Pixie Press. Described as ‘A jolly good read. A delight!’ by Worcestershire Poet Laureate Emeritus Maggie Doyle, and ‘Beautiful and funny, touching and brutally honest’ by teacher Lisa Bames, this is a book you really ought to buy several copies of. Musical entertainment on launch night will be provided by vocal locals Loungetoad and Jenny Hallam.
‘A pearl of a poet with a string of polished, luminescent and glad poems popping out of her naked sleeve.’ – Adrian Mealing, wise man and poet.